Slash auto insurance lead gen CPA with a digital marketplace

For growth in the highly competitive vehicle insurance market, you probably already have a lead generation strategy in place. But how can you scale that up, along with your ROI? revJOLT can help!

Standing out in a noisy market

The auto insurance industry has become even more competitive in the past few years thanks to online comparison websites. These enable prospects to type just a few requirements and likely choose the cheapest result.

And let’s not forget review websites, where a reputable company can suddenly take a hit thanks to a dissatisfied or deluded one-star comment! (Much of the time, these are completely unverified.) Combine this with social media‘s constant boom-and-bust hype cycle and you could see your superior product fall behind a shallow, but noisier, competitor.

It’s become more important than ever that consumers looking for insurance for cars (and other vehicles, of course) have multiple routes into the sales funnel.

There has to be a way to stand out from the constant chatter when your marketing budget is starting to bloat. Right?

Increase ROI and decrease the strain

Marketing execs use an array of different strategies – from outbound call centers to printed materials to websites, email campaigns, and more. If you keep an in-house department, every one of those leads has an overhead. Like many businesses today, outsourcing at least part of that requirement could be the answer you’re looking for.

Affiliate marketers will use several of these techniques to find and qualify prospects in order to gain commission – which is incredibly effective in CPA terms. But how do you get them working for you?

What if I told you there was a way to get them to come to you?

And what if you only had to accept their best work? At a price you set?

A ping-post lead trading marketplace for car insurance

This is where revJOLT‘s ping-post technology becomes your best friend. It provides a near-instantaneous auction for leads generated by affiliate marketers.

The work of qualifying and capturing the lead’s details is done for you upfront via website forms. These are bundled into a secure feed, and imported into revJOLT‘s platform where your settings can automatically accept or reject the prospect based on your own needs.

Thanks to revJOLT‘s cutting-edge system, this happens quickly and the consumer gets a seamless, satisfying process from hitting “Submit” to getting an insurance quote from an approved revJOLT partner.

Perhaps you only cater to newer vehicles? Or certain zip codes are more attractive? Use our smart filters to become as specific as you need, without requiring you to manually vet each prospect. Then set a budget to bid for the lead and keep your costs from spiraling out of control!

The question then becomes “Can I afford to NOT use revJOLT?”

If you are looking to sell leads that you’ve generated (Publishers), or buy those leads (Advertiser), please click the appropriate link below find our easy signup process.

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