Want to make sure your auto insurance lead gen affiliates don’t harm your brand? Your customers look to your standing as a reputable car insurance provider. So the last thing you want is to damage that with lead publishers who don’t have your best...
Metrics, statistics, and reports help affiliates understand how to increase clicks and conversions You might feel you have a successful affiliate lead gen site. But how do you know for sure? In this article, I will take you through the key areas you need to understand...
Online affiliate marketing done right. You might think you have to be the pushy, slick salesperson type to get ahead in affiliate marketing. Or use underhanded tactics to sucker consumers into buying. You might not feel comfortable doing any of that. But I have good...
Don’t play games with fraudulent data Life is tough. And it’s all too tempting to cheat your way to an easy buck. You have a website, or social media following. You want to squeeze as much as you can from its monetization. So you think maybe there is a way...
Lead quality and the bottom line – how to stop fraud eating into your revenue There are a great many reasons why advertisers should buy leads from affiliate publishers, and if you have read any of our other articles, you will understand that it can be a...
Why an installment loans lead gen affiliate program might be the niche you need. Firstly how do installment loans differ from payday? Typically payday loans are short term and high interest. As a result, the lending amounts are lower – a person who has to cover...