In the fast-paced world of affiliate marketing, especially in pay-per-call campaigns, understanding attribution models is crucial for evaluating effectiveness. These models determine how credit for conversions is assigned, influencing not only your marketing strategy but also your bottom line. As a veteran affiliate, grasping the nuances of attribution can significantly enhance your campaign’s performance and profitability.

Why Attribution Models Matter

Marketing attribution models explained: which one is the best for your business?

Attribution models provide insights into the customer journey, helping you understand which marketing efforts drive calls. This understanding enables you to allocate resources effectively, optimize campaigns, and ultimately maximize ROI. With pay-per-call marketing on the rise, utilizing the right attribution model can help you evaluate your campaign’s success and refine your strategies.

Key Attribution Models

Top 7 Types of Attribution Models for You to Try | Factors Blog

  1. First-Click Attribution:
    • Overview: This model assigns 100% of the credit to the first touchpoint that led the customer to convert.
    • Example: If a user first clicks on a Facebook ad, later receives an email, and finally calls from a Google search, all credit goes to the Facebook ad.
    • Use Case: Best for understanding initial interest. Ideal for campaigns focused on brand awareness.
  2. Last-Click Attribution:
    • Overview: This model gives all credit to the last interaction before the call.
    • Example: In the scenario above, if the user calls after clicking the Google search ad, that ad receives all credit for the conversion.
    • Use Case: Useful for measuring immediate campaign effectiveness. Great for campaigns where the final touchpoint is crucial.
  3. Linear Attribution:
    • Overview: This model distributes credit evenly across all touchpoints in the customer journey.
    • Example: In the same scenario, each of the three interactions (Facebook ad, email, Google search) would receive one-third of the credit.
    • Use Case: Beneficial for understanding the cumulative impact of all marketing efforts.
  4. Time Decay Attribution:
    • Overview: This model gives more credit to interactions that occur closer in time to the conversion.
    • Example: If the user interacts with the Facebook ad a week before the call, the Google search might receive more credit for its immediacy.
    • Use Case: Ideal for campaigns with long consideration phases where recent interactions are more impactful.
  5. Position-Based Attribution:
    • Overview: This model assigns 40% of the credit to the first and last interactions, with the remaining 20% spread across other touchpoints.
    • Example: The Facebook ad and Google search ad might each get 40% credit, while the email gets 20%.
    • Use Case: Useful for recognizing the importance of both the initial engagement and the final nudge.

How Attribution Models Impact Pay-Per-Call Campaigns

Multi-Touch Attribution and Your Customer Journey | Finch

Evaluating Campaign Effectiveness

Each attribution model has unique implications for how you evaluate the effectiveness of your pay-per-call campaigns. Here’s how they can influence your strategy:

  1. Budget Allocation:
    • Model Impact: Different models will highlight different channels as most effective. For example, if last-click attribution shows high conversions from Google ads, you might allocate more budget there, potentially neglecting high-performing earlier channels.
    • Strategy: Regularly review your attribution model and adjust budgets based on comprehensive insights.
  2. Performance Measurement:
    • Model Impact: Attribution models affect how you measure campaign performance. If you rely solely on last-click attribution, you may miss out on understanding the full journey.
    • Strategy: Implement a combination of models to gain a holistic view. For instance, use first-click attribution for brand awareness and last-click for direct response campaigns.
  3. Campaign Optimization:
    • Model Impact: Attribution models can identify which channels or ads drive calls. If your analysis reveals that the Facebook ads aren’t performing well under linear attribution, you might decide to revamp your creative or messaging.
    • Strategy: Continuously test and optimize based on attribution insights. A/B testing different ads while analyzing performance through various models can yield actionable insights.
  4. Customer Journey Insights:
    • Model Impact: Understanding the customer journey through attribution helps identify pain points and opportunities. If users drop off after seeing an ad but before making a call, it might indicate a need for stronger messaging.
    • Strategy: Use tools like customer journey mapping alongside attribution analysis to identify areas for improvement.

Example of Applying Attribution Models in Pay-Per-Call Marketing

Imagine you’re running a pay-per-call campaign for an auto warranty service. Your customer journey looks like this:

  1. A user sees a Facebook ad about auto warranties.
  2. They visit your website but don’t call immediately.
  3. A few days later, they receive an email with more information.
  4. Finally, they search for “best auto warranties” on Google and click on your ad before calling.

Using Attribution Models

  1. First-Click Attribution:
    • You see that Facebook ads are generating interest but might neglect the effectiveness of the email follow-up and Google ads.
  2. Last-Click Attribution:
    • You might over-invest in Google ads because they receive all the credit for the call, potentially overlooking earlier touchpoints.
  3. Linear Attribution:
    • You realize that all interactions contribute to the call and can allocate budget more evenly across channels, ensuring each aspect is optimized.
  4. Time Decay Attribution:
    • You discover that recent interactions (like Google ads) are more critical, leading you to focus on retargeting and remarketing efforts.
  5. Position-Based Attribution:
    • You recognize the importance of both the Facebook ad (initial awareness) and Google search ad (final push), allowing you to invest in both while also refining your email strategies.

Steps to Optimize Pay-Per-Call Campaigns with Attribution Models

Step 1: Define Your Goals

Before diving into attribution, establish clear campaign goals. Are you focusing on generating leads, increasing brand awareness, or driving sales? Your objectives will dictate which attribution model is most appropriate.

Step 2: Choose the Right Attribution Model

Select an attribution model that aligns with your goals. You might even consider using multiple models for a more comprehensive analysis. For instance, first-click for awareness campaigns and last-click for direct response efforts.

Step 3: Implement Tracking Tools

Use tracking tools to monitor customer interactions across all channels. Tools like Google Analytics, call tracking software, and CRM systems can provide valuable data on how users engage with your marketing efforts.

Step 4: Analyze Data Regularly

Regularly review your data to understand how different channels contribute to conversions. Look for patterns and trends that indicate which models provide the most insightful analysis.

Step 5: Adjust Your Strategy

Based on your findings, adjust your marketing strategy. This could mean reallocating budgets, changing ad creatives, or modifying your messaging to better resonate with your audience.

Step 6: Optimize Continuously

Attribution is not a one-time effort. Continuously optimize your campaigns based on ongoing data analysis. Stay flexible and willing to adapt your strategies as new insights emerge.

Sign Up for the revJOLT Network

Ready to maximize your pay-per-call campaigns with effective attribution models? Consider joining the revJOLT Network, a platform designed to support affiliates like you in harnessing high-converting offers and robust analytics.

  1. Visit revJOLT’s Website: Start by heading to the revJOLT Network homepage.
  2. Create an Account: Click on the sign-up button and fill out the required information.
  3. Get Approved: After submitting your application, await approval from the revJOLT team.
  4. Access Offers: Once approved, explore a range of pay-per-call offers in niches like auto warranties.
  5. Launch Campaigns: Implement your attribution strategies with the exclusive offers available through revJOLT.
  6. Track and Optimize: Use the advanced tracking tools provided by revJOLT to monitor your campaigns and refine your approach based on attribution insights.


Understanding and utilizing attribution models in pay-per-call marketing is essential for maximizing campaign effectiveness. By selecting the right model, leveraging insights, and continuously optimizing your strategies, you can enhance your affiliate marketing performance and profitability.

As a veteran affiliate, take the time to explore how different attribution models can impact your campaigns. With the right approach and support from networks like revJOLT, you can unlock new opportunities and achieve significant success in your pay-per-call marketing efforts. Start today and watch your affiliate business thrive!